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Knowledge Divided is a Cultural Impairment

Functional Training Zone "FTZ" was created for the educational empowerment of functional training through self-sufficiency and competitive aggregation of resources in support of positions that ultimately allow you to employ others.
  • 24/7 Online
  • Active Career
Active Professionals
Program Support
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Stay Connected With FTZ

One Trillion and Rising

Student loan debt is nearly a TRILLION dollars. Make an informed career choice with FTZ. Sign up to our email list to keep up with the most up-to-date information and resources.

Our Solution Process

Step 01


Functional training zone invites students, professionals and businesses to create a career awareness and critical readiness platform that features current training aids, common knowledge and best practices.
step 02


Through this extended effort, we help build foundational support for those seeking direct guidance related to career fields they wish to explore.
step 03


FTZ's approach impacts those who wish to prepare themselves prior to any heavy investment of time, money or resources.
step 04


Our process allows us to deliver students to partnering programs and businesses that promote the career ladder journey.

We're Here To Help

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Become a Partner of FTz

FTZ welcomes new partners! If you're interested in joining our team, please get in touch. We'd be happy to chat with you about how we can work together.

Career Opportunities in FTz

Looking for an exciting and challenging career? FTZ may be the place for you! We offer a variety of career opportunities in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.

Listen to what they
say about us.